About The Class
This 2-Day Workshop will give you a new understanding of the REAL cause of your stress and offer 2 of the most powerful tools available to help your relax your mind and gain control over your emotions.
Day 1 - A New Way To Look At Stress PLUS Meditation Made Easy - Saturday, December 5, 1-3 PM
Day 2 - The RELEASE Practice -7 Steps To Emotional Freedom - Sunday, December 6, 1-3 PM
Separately, my "No-brainer" meditation method and the RELEASE practice are each powerful tools for reducing stress and supporting your health and well-being. Used together, they compound their stress reducing impact exponentially.
In time, you will notice your periods of upset are few and far between as well as less and less disruptive. You'll notice yourself feeling more peaceful, confident, and at ease, without having to change anyone or anything around you.
NOTICE - Although Day 2 builds upon Day 1, each day is a stand alone class. If you can't participate both days, you may purchase either day individually for $45. Click the "Back To All Course" at the bottom and select either "Meditation Made Easy" or "The RELEASE Practice" and then click "Full Details".
Download your free relaxation audio
to instantly
calm your mind
and ease stress.